
No need to fully stop your car for flashing card


AR500U is a highly affordable long range reader that can penetrate most
vehicle premium solar film to truly offer maximum distance long range
parking access.
Enjoy the convenient of automatically opening the barrier gate so that
you can just pass through the entrance without fully stopping your
CCD100 can help deter unauthorized clone card problem.
No more getting hand wet during rainy days or expose to robbery
threat when winding down windows to flash card.
Reduce congestion of long car queue during peak hours
Add premium prestige reputation to your residential or commercial


Absolute directional
Infrared rays is emited in front of AR500U at 60 angle to
define its reading zone. IR technology offer more
accurate area coverage. Only tags within the reading
zone will be read. This totally eliminate the chances of
reading unwanted tags that are behind reader, adjacent
car lane, trailing cars in queue which causes
anti-passback error in access contoller.

Multi lane automatic differentiation

Two AR500U can be installed side by side for multiple
entry and exit lane reading. AR500U can automatically
differentiate tag to ensure correct reading between
adjacent multi lane application.

Extended battery life on tag / transponder
Tag/transponder remains in standby mode (sleeping) all
the time with minima power consumption. It will only be
activated when entering AR500U’s IR reading zone. This
greatly extend battery life time. Battery can be purchased
from any electronic store and changed easily. Tag will
resume sleeping when exit IR zone CCD200 will totally
turn off if card is removed to further save battery.

Card number automatic validation
AR500U read tags’ number continuosly. Same card
number will not be send out again and again to avoid
double reading. Double reading causes anti-passback
error on access controller. AR500U will wait 7 sec before
the same card number is sent out again.

Standard Wiegand interface output

AR500U send out tag/card number via standard wiegand
(WG26, WG34) interface output that is supported by
most access controller in the world.

Why choose AR500U ?

Most long range readers in the market have 2 main problems.
They cannot read through thick solar film and their reading angle
in too wide around the reader. So premium cars installed with
best quality solar films are not able to get through. When reader
is adjusted to be higher power, it creates another problem of
reading all nearby car including the car at side, behind and
opposite lane. This causes a lot of inconvenient and confusion
that lead to security loop hole at entrance.
AR500U’s dual technology solves both problems. Infrared is used
to limit reading to a controlled angle. 433Mhz is used to effectively
penetrate most thick solar film once the car fall within the
intended read zone. Car at the back or adjacent will not be falsely
Unlike other competitor, CCD200 / CCD100 will not transmit
anything if car is outside of reading zone to ensure that your body
is not constantly exposed to RF wave while you are driving.
AR500U is the PERFECT long range reader that open the barrier
gate at your entrance as you are approaching without fully
stopping your car or winding down windows.
This is the way you should enjoy the automation – affordable,
convenience and safe.